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Is space junk a valuable Lunar resource ?

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1980's Harry Enfield joke of massive UK & IRL :

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Welcome to ASAN-NASA

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Space age 2, lunar machines and structures. I'm Sci-fi aware and a daydreaming creative, I love 50's and 60's space age imagery and design.

I feel it's time to pick up where Kennedy left of with the Space Race and dream up options for the future.

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Below is an A4 scrapper in prep. for a digital collage of Sci-fi space solutions that make sense.

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Following on the seating position is very important in 1/6 gravity Lunar conditions.

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Below: News on I.S.S. ''Four astronauts on board Elon Musk’s SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft have successfully docked at the

International Space Station (ISS) for a six-month mission'' Making 11 on board in total, near full capacity for the air filtration system,

To compensate all emitted green house gasses are to be ignited at source, either solo missions or mutual efforts.

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Below: When space goes Punk !

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Project Lunar One 2030's flash forward.

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Introducing the JRL ( Jim Rockford Living ) quarters:

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NASA Velcro hang out zones idea.

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Potential evolution of lifespan with Robocop options:

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